
Scandinavian Agile Conference

We are sorry! Due to the current status of COVID-19 pandemic we have no other option than to cancel ScanAgile 2020. We are investigating the possibility of a separate online conference later. Thanks for understanding and support in this unfortunate situation.

ScanAgile is the most agile conference in Finland. It gathers like minded Agilists from all over the Nordics in one place.

The event has been sold out for two years in a row and ScanAgile 2020 will be bigger than ever.

The presentations and workshops are suitable for developers, scrum masters, product owners, team leaders, agile coaches, project and program managers, management consultants as well as executives – both private and public sector.


Keynote Speakers 2020

See the program here.

Everyone is a Change Agent!

💎 Sponsor Session


Agile Finland r.y.
