Nicola Owen

As a tester I’m constantly looking for ways to grow and learn; whether that be through taking courses, reading blogs or bouncing ideas off people I look up to in the field. 

In the past, I have worked on projects in the following industries: Trade, Education, online and card payments, Retail and e-Commerce and have worked in Agile (Scrum, Kanban), Continuous Delivery and Waterfall environments.

I was the founder of the Stockholm Software Testing Talks meet-up and a co-founder of the WeTest Auckland testing meet-up. I was also a co-instructor for the BBST Foundations course.

I’m an avid Toastmaster (ACB, ALB): and was the Area Director of G2 in Scandinavia. (I 
supported clubs in Skåne and half of Denmark).

If you want to read my thoughts on software testing, feel free to check out my blog:

Recently I have decided to delve into the world of speaking at conferences. I have given talks at TestBash Brighton 2016, Let’s Test 2016, EuroSTAR 2016, TestBash Belfast 2017, Romanian Testing Conference 2017 and Øredev 2017.

Wednesday 13th March 2019 11:45 - Making change happen, without a leadership job title

Bringing in change into a project or an organisation when you don’t have a leadership job title, which people usually respond to, can be difficult. You may find that people respond to titles and unsurprisingly, aren’t excited about change – even when it can make their lives easier. But initially, they don’t know that.

I’d like to share my experiences on bringing in change to a project, where my title was only “Agile Tester”. But after a few months, I started to make change happen, first by getting people in my team to stop doing test cases, and start trying out Structured Exploratory Testing, second by delivering workshops so people can learn new skills and encouraging others to deliver workshops and lastly, by helping create an atmosphere of open dialogue where ideas and people’s opinions are heard and acknowledged. No fancy job title needed.

By the end of this talk, I hope to encourage you, to take action towards making things better on your project. You don’t need to be a manager or someone with a fancy title to make things better in your project. YOU can make it happen.