
March 6-7, 2024, in Paasitorni,
Paasivuorenkatu 5 A, Helsinki Finland

ScanAgile24, the largest Agile event in the Nordics since 2008, takes place on March 6 and 7, 2024, at Paasitorni in Helsinki, Finland. People interested in Agile are invited to ScanAgile24 and to join the Agile community!


We want to thank you all who participated ScanAgile 24. We also thank the speakers for making the awesome content and the organizers who sacrificed their precious free time to make this possible.


Conference participants will gather at Paasitorni, a stunning waterside Art Nouveau building near Helsinki’s center, which was once the Helsinki Worker’s House.


ScanAgile will be held in Paasitorni.

Signature sponsor

Gold sponsors

Silver+ sponsors

Scaled Agile logo

Community sponsor

Scrum-ptious sponsor


Track host sponsor

Nitor logo

Agile Finland r.y.
